We assure that the PDF MEDICAL ( ) have great respect for the efforts of every content creator online and in the physical world. We highly respect each and everyone’s work and rights to their property. If Any copyrighted content found on our website or violation of DMCA or any activity related to it, We highly recommend you to visit our Contact us page to inform us about the suspected Content. We ensure you that if any of the copyrighted content shows belonging to us we will take immediate action on it and will remove it ASAP
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 the core point of your policy. Before you submit your query in our complaint box we want to make you that copyrighted content belongs to you and for that, you have to follow some guidelines make
your copyright complaint may include the following information.
- An electronic signature which represents that you ar copyright holder.
- Identification of the copyrighted item along with dates.
- Legal Certificates
- You full name address occupation, physical address.
- A written copyrighted material which shows that it belongs to you.
Make sure you read ours About us.
After your complaint submission, PDF Medical will take action and remove the suspect content with 28 working hours.