Obstetrics Books
Williams Obstetrics 25th Edition PDF Download

Get a link to free download the pdf version of the book “Williams Obstetrics, 25th Edition ” by such well-known authors ” F. Gary, Barbara L. Hoffman, Kenneth J. Leveno, Jodi S Dashe, Brain M Casey, Steven L. Bloom”

This book has been a complete guide for medical students giving in days and nights to learn and practice it in a better way. It has provided all the relevant and thorough descriptions related to each and every topic that is needed to be done. Additionally giving hints of practical exposure and how to tackle underlying conditions.
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-F. Gary has his name in teaching Gynecology and obstetrics.
-Barbara and Kenneth J. Leveno have also been a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Texas.
– Jodi Dashe has worked in the field of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Texas Southwestern medical center.
– Brain M. Casey has been a professor of the division of maternal-fetal medicine, obstetrics, and gynecology at the University of Texas.
– Steven L. Bloom has been a chair and professor in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.
The features of this book may include:
- This book is popular for its in-depth explanations, image-based questions, and their appropriate answers guiding the medical students to prepare their best for the exams.
- Also, this book consists of such conceptual MCQs and Reviews that it makes it easy to study a lot in a short time.
- Keeping the major syllabus of textbooks in view, the author has made it a perfect fit for medical students to review what they have studied in their preclinical years.
- Furthermore, every topic finishes with illustrative images or diagrams following a description, features, and some key points to make it easier to study.